Saturday, 14 March 2009

EFT to help migraines

EFT is a very handy tool to have in the home's first aid kit.
EFT is easy for busy parents to learn and use to help their family.
Here is an article on how to use EFT to deal with a migraine


When I first stumbled upon the website over 2 years ago, I was very skeptical because of all of the various issues that could be helped with EFT, and at the same time I was intrigued. So I decided to order the EFT course on video.

Even after using EFT successfully on myself for various issues, emotional and physical, I was still somewhat skeptical. My thinking was that somehow my subconscious mind assisted because I was vested in the outcome. So I decided that I wanted to try EFT on someone without them knowing what EFT is.

A couple of days later my son asked me out to lunch and while we were waiting for our food I noticed his face appeared rather pinched. I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was getting a migraine.

Migraines for him meant, no light, no sound, no food just go to bed. So I asked him if I could try something that might help him, and he agreed. Without having him say a word, or even do the tapping I used "shortcut EFT" on him and before I was even done, I heard a big sigh of relief. Needless to say, we both had a look of amazement on our faces. From then on I was sold on EFT and decided then and there to get the rest of the videos.
P. Preston

check it out here
plenty of free resources to ger started