Tapping Transcription: It’s Not Happening Fast Enough
(Side of the Hand) Even though it’s not happening fast enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself,
Even though it’s not happening fast enough, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself, Even though it’s not happening fast enough, I’ve been on these teleclasses for awhile, And as far as I’m concerned, I shoulda been cleared after the first one, I shoulda gotten on one teleclass, And won the Lottery the next day,
Why aren’t I clearing faster,
How much baggage can I really have?
How much resistance can I really have,
Why aren’t I clear yet?
Why is there still some resistance,
And maybe it’s not that it’s simply resistance that needs to be cleared, Because if that was the case, Wouldn’t I be cleared by now,
And wouldn’t the abundance be showing up, So I’m losing faith,
And if it really is about clearing abundance,
Then the fact that the abundance isn’t showing up, As quickly as I’d like, Might mean something really bad about me,
That I have so much resistance, And that I feel badly about that, That’s why I’m getting so impatient, It’s too hard, And the fact is, I’ve been living most of my life, Without more abundance,
Maybe it’s possible, I can relax a little, And maybe relaxing a little, Is the one thing I need to do, If I can let go of my impatience,
Maybe that’s the one thing blocking my abundance,
The more I’m aware it’s not showing up, The more I attract the not showing up, So I choose to release that, I choose to be clear,
And be one step closer to Source, And it may be a H-U-G-E step, It may even be the one step, And I won’t know, Until the abundance starts showing up, And I choose to be open to that happening,
In God’s time, And even though I’m so impatient, I deeply and completely, Love and forgive and accept myself,
And everyone else, Who I’m blaming for this block of abundance.
(EyeBrow Point) All this resistance,
(Side of the Eye) All this resistance,
(Under the Eye) All this resistance,
(Under the Nose) All this resistance,
(Under the Mouth) All this impatience,
(CollarBone Point) All this impatience,
(Under the Breast) It’s not happening fast enough,
(Under the Arm) I need it to happen now,
(Top of the Head) I want it to happen now,
(EB) I’ve been tapping for a long time,
(SE) Why isn’t it showing up?
(UE) Why isn’t it happening faster?
(UN) Why isn’t this working the way it’s supposed to work?
(UM) Why don’t I have it yet?
(CB) ‘Cause I look around,
(UB) And I can see that it’s not happening yet,
(UA) I’m focusing on it’s not happening,
(TH) And what I focus on,
(EB) Is what expands,
(SE) So while I’m focusing on it not happening,
(UE) Not happening is what keeps happening,
(UN) I am creating an abundance of lack,
(UM) I am saying, “It’s not happening,”
(CB) And in fact it is happening, (UB)
The Law of Attraction is working beautifully,
(UA) It is happening,
(TH) It’s happening immediately,
(EB) It’s just not happening the way I’d like it to,
(SE) I’m doing a very good job,
(UE) Of manifesting what I’m focusing on,
(UN) Which is abundance not happening quickly enough,
(UM) I want abundance to happen,
(CB) And I’m focusing on the want,
(UB) And I’m getting lotsa want,
(UA) I was wanting yesterday,
(TH) And more wanting showed up today,
(EB) I am doing a great job of manifesting,
(SE) If I want something else,
(UE) Other than what I have
, (UN) I need to refine my technique,
(UM) I need to focus on what it really is that I want,
(CB) Which is not the wanting of something,
(UB) But the having of something,
(UA) Rather on focus on what is not showing up
, (TH) I choose to feel grateful for what is showing up,
(EB) The more I’m in a place of gratitude,
(SE) The more quickly I get things for which to be grateful,
(UE) And I get more and more things for which to be grateful,
(UN) And when I’m focused on gratitude,
(UM) I’m not focused on lack,
(CB) When I’m happily looking at what I have,
(UB) I’m not looking with disappointment at what I want,
(UA) ‘Cause the more disappointed I get,
(TH) The more disappointment I attract,
(EB) And that sounds a lot easier,
(SE) To say,
(UE) Than to do,
(UN) How can I not notice what I don’t have,
(UM) How can I not notice what I don’t have,
(CB) I don’t wanna be impatient,
(UB) I just don’t know how to do it,
(UA) I need to say, “I have it,
(TH) I need to believe that it’s there,
(EB) All the things that I want,
(SE) Already exist,
(UE) Because it’s all energy,
(UN) It is all energy,
(UM) And energy can be formed into anything,
(CB) Even if what I want,
(UB) Doesn’t physically exist at the moment,
(UA) It exists as potential,
(TH) Whatever I want,
(EB) Is right there,
(SE) Existing in potential,
(UE) Waiting for me to create it out of energy,
(UN) And the more I focus on it not being there,
(UM) The more I create it not being here,
(CB) I choose to know it’s already here,
(UB) Whatever I want,
(UA) Already exists,
(TH) I’m being impatient,
(EB) It’s as though I wanted someone to show up in my life,
(SE) And they were standing right behind me,
(UE) And I’m sitting there getting impatient,
(UN) And I’m cursing the fact they’re not there,
(UM) As long as I’m cursing them not being there,
(CB) Putting out that negative energy,
(UB) They’re reluctant to tap me on the shoulder,
(UA) They’re waiting for me to be in a better mood,
(TH) And the truth is,
(EB) They’re already right there,
(SE) My impatience, (UE) Is a denial of reality,
(UN) It’s a denial of the fact that they’re already there,
(UM) My impatience over not attracting more abundance,
(CB) Is a denial of the reality of abundance,
(UB) Whatever I want is already there,
(UA) Whatever I want is already here,
(TH) It’s already here,
(EB) I may not be able to put my hands on it in this exact moment,
(SE) Mainly because I’m looking in front of me,
(UE) And I’m saying, “It’s not there,”
(UN) As long as I say, “It’s not there,”
(UM) I can’t touch it,
(CB) I need to see it in my mind first,
(UB) I need to see it in my mind,
(UA) And I need to release all of my resistance,
(TH) It’s waiting to show up in my life,
(EB) It desperately wants to show up in my life,
(SE) And I’m blocking it,
(UE) In many different ways,
(UN) I’m blocking it partly by saying it’s not there,
(UM) So it has no choice but to deliver what I am saying,
(CB) Which is the fact that it’s not there,
(UB) I also have other blocks,
(UA) I may have other reasons for not having it show up,
(TH) I have reasons for not wanting it to show up,
(EB) I may not feel ready for it,
(SE) I may not feel I deserve it,
(UE) I may not have completely cleared that,
(UN) I choose to keep clearing,
(UM) If it’s not showing up,
(CB) It’s because I’m not clear,
(UB) And I forgive myself for that, (
UA) Because if I blame myself for not clearing it faster,
(TH) That’s just gonna’ keep blocking my abundance,
(EB) Clearing all this resistance,
(SE) Letting go of all my resistance,
(UE) Letting go of all my negative beliefs,
(UN) About why I can’t have what I want,
(UM) Why I can’t allow what’s already there,
(CB) Why I can’t allow what’s already there,
(UB) Releasing my fears,
(UA) Releasing my doubts,
(TH) Releasing anything that blocks me from Source,
(EB) Getting closer to Source,
(SE) The Source of all abundance,
(UE) Welcoming abundance into my life,
(UN) Everything that I could ever want is already there,
(UM) I don’t need to be impatient,
(CB) Impatience is denial of the facts,
(UB) It already is showing up, (UA) It’s already there,
(TH) I just need to allow it,
(EB) Letting go of my resistance,
(SE) Letting go of my impatience,
(UE) Letting go of my need to see it right now,
(UN) In the physical world,
(UM) And allowing myself to see it right now,
(CB) In my mind,
(UB) And knowing it’s already there,
(UA) I know it’s already there,
(TH) I don’t need to be impatient,
(EB) I already have it,
(SE) And when I’m fully clear on that,
(UE) I’ll have it physically as well,
(UN) It already belongs to me,
(UM) If I’m in a building,
(CB) And my car is outside,
(UB) I’m not able to see it right then,
(UA) But I know that I have it,
(TH) I can’t see it,
(EB) But I know that I have it,
(SE) So I don’t feel impatient about it,
(UE) There are steps I need to take,
(UN) To be able to go to my car and touch it,
(UM) But I know that I can do that,
(CB) So I have no feeling of impatience, (UB) I choose to feel the same way about this,
(UA) I already have it,
(TH) There’s steps I need to take to be able to touch it, (EB) But I choose to know it’s already there,
(SE) I choose to know that I deserve it,
(UE) It’s safe for me to have it,
(UN) It’s safe for me to have it,
(UM) And I choose to know,
(CB) That no one can block me from having it,
(UB) No one else is a block to what I want,
(UA) The only thing between me and what I want,
(TH) Are my limiting beliefs,
(EB) My resistance,
(SE) And if I choose to believe someone else is blocking me,
(UE) That’s because I’m still resistant to what I want,
(UN) And it’s much easier to say it’s someone else,
(UM) Than to take my own responsibility,
(CB) And I don’t blame myself for that,
(UB) I don’t need to feel badly about that,
(UA) I just choose to recognize it,
(TH) As one more block to let go of, (EB) Letting go of all these blocks,
(SE) And allowing myself to feel grateful for what I have,
(UE) What I have physically,
(UN) And what I have spiritually,
(UM) What I have in potential,
(CB) Knowing that it’s all there,
(UB) I gratefully know that it’s all there,
(UA) Letting go of all my resistance to having it,
(TH) And joyfully and gratefully acknowledging that it’s already mine. Take A Deep Breath!
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