Friday, 27 March 2009

Spring clean your clutter with EFT

We all have to deal with ever increasing clutter.

Stuff just seems to breed at times dont you think

Here is an exercise to try out, taken from my 8 day Allowing the Flow e-book

Release 10 items that are no longer a match with who you are now.

Let go of the stuck energy they hold.

It could be books, photos, clothes, gifts from ex partners,

Letting go creates more flow and allows in the new

Tip to De-Cluttering

Clutter drains your energy - and you don't realize it till it's gone.
Every item in your home has an energy to it.

When items go a long time unused, unloved and uncared for, they become stuck,stagnant energy that actually physically drains you of your energy.

Your energy (chi) has trouble moving freely if there is a lot of clutter.Feng Shui (the ancient Chinese art of creating a harmonious environment bypositioning objects and using space toallow chi to flow) teaches that clutter represents stagnant energy.

In order for energy (chi) to flow freely, the clutter must be clearedStart small….maybe the stack of papers on your desk or the mound of clothes on yourfloor.
Pick up each piece and decide then and there if
(a) it stays right where it is,
(b) it is put away some place else,c
) it is thrown or given away.

As you open up the energy of the place by cleaning up and clearing out, you also openup your own energy

What new qualities would you enjoy flowing into your life now?
Notice these essences around you.
Maybe a new kind of book catches your eye or you are drawn to a different kind of texture inclothes when you go window shopping

Want to use EFT to help you de-clutter?

Whether you have clutter filling your home, office, mind or social life, you will enjoy listening to these audios and tapping along with the transcripts to clear clutter in your life.

This thorough audio series plus 148 pages of transcripts are authored by EFT Master Carol Look and Emotional Freedom Coach Rick Wilkes. They address the topic of clutter from every angle—emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual. Listening and tapping along will change the way you deal with any kind of clutter and help release the reasons you have this challenge.

Cluttered mind? Tap away the reasons you can’t stay present to your life.

Cluttered home? Tap for trying to fill the void left by a feeling of lack in your life.

Cluttered relationships? Tap to let go of those relationships that are no longer a vibrational match with your energy.

Cluttered office? Delve into the emotional reasons you feel compelled to hold onto your stuff.

Cluttered life blocking your abundance? Tap yourself free of the clutter and allow your life to unfold the way you wish.

Enjoy over 5 hours of discussion, theory, and tap along files for you to listen to over and over again while you make use of the 148 pages of transcripts for easy reference.

Enjoy being Clutter Free with EFT!

All 6 MP3 Recordings and 148-page PDF Transcript for only $47 (Download to your computer - No shipping and handling charge

Zannie RoseAlign with the Divine in 2009